I look forward to it all year. The drive, the alone time, the moms, the connections, the food and the activities. This event takes a permanent place in my heart and takes me away from the reality of doing, going, doing, going, etc.
I chose to be on the planning committee this year, and it was a great choice. We had just a few meetings and chipped in to make this a fun event. Moms are incredible and make them Warrior moms and they are extraordinary.
We planned hot waxed hand treatments, cozy foot massages, journaling, yoga, a breakout circle, a timeline activity, hiking, learning cross stitch, free time, and a scavenger hunt. Look at this group, we are indeed good at this.
The drive up was different this year because of the time change. We like to do this around Halloween but October can be a busy month for some moms. It’s okay to drive in the dark, but of course less to see and makes me want to hurry up and get there. The location is in Brooklyn, Michigan.
Arriving is like a reunion of sorts. Each mom comes in and we are so happy to embrace and see their beautiful faces. Many of us arrive on Friday, but some come on Saturday as well. When you have commitments and other kiddos at home it makes a difference in what you can do with your calendar. I remember the times in the past I went up on a Saturday once, and decided never again, I actually wish it started on Thursday!
We all get to catch up and talk about our children with special needs and also our families, our goals, our lives. It is so nice to sit around and be with all moms, women, all people who understand this lifestyle of ours. Oh, I forgot to mention we did “speed dating.” This was great to ask in three minutes quick fun questions of our fellow moms while rotating to another chair. One of my favorite questions was, “If you could eliminate any chore from your life what would it be?” My answer, “Shaving.” The other mom’s answer, “Laundry.” I’m not sure which one is better. See how fun this event is?
We are out in the beautiful area of the Holley Institute, there are separate buildings and a lake to take in. We have the quietness of a room that we can escape to alone and we have solitude in the evenings. The solitude and the comradery at the same time are so refreshing.
On the first night we had a smores tray that knocked my socks off. Like a charcuterie tray but all stuff to make smores with. So fun. See picture below.
We copied an activity from mom’s group that I attended. We made a timeline of our lives and then if desired talked about it to the group. Good things could go on top and struggles on the bottom, some moms had events in the middle as good and bad. It was good to get a glimpse of the lives of some that we would not have known about otherwise. A few moms talked about theirs and then it was time to get ready for our farewell lunch.
We had an incredible mother, Vanessa, who cooked for us. No, she is not a special needs mom, but she is passionate about our group because her sister is in it. She made the best tasting, best seasoned food I’ve had in a good long time. Hello Red Curry Powder, lemon basil dressing, bring it on!
It’s difficult to put in words what I feel when I get away. It’s more than a refresher I guess, it’s truly a time to feel the world in a different light. To see other’s triumphs and struggles and to be a part of a unique group. To eat and talk and walk together in this game we call life although ours has a serious twist. I wouldn’t know anyone here if I didn’t have Anna. I thank Anna for being mine and remember these times when I am in the ditches. There are rainbows and sunshine around the corner.